

Business books for those who want to launch a company

Our colleagues shared a list of books that, in their opinion, is worth reading for everyone who are planning or have already launched their business. Before you book for business, not necessarily about business.

Image result for Business From Scratch. The Lean Startup Method To Quickly Test Ideas And Business Models.

“The Goal”. Elia Goldratt, Jeff Cox

This book is written by an Israeli physicist who became widely known as the author of bestselling business books. “The goal” is written in the form of a tale of a young plant Manager Alex Rogo, who needs three months to save the company from collapse. The book gives basic principles to improve performance and increase the speed of earning income. The book is written in accessible language and is designed for a wide range of readers.

“The Goal-2. It Is Not In Luck”. Elia Goldratt

This is another business novel, which is a continuation of the first book. In it we again meet with the main character Alex Rogo. His experience clearly shows us the principles of creation of efficient production. Of course, the book doesn’t have ready solutions, says the author, it always depends on intuition, without which no one method will not help. The novel allows you to look objectively at management approaches and development strategies of the company.

“Business From Scratch. The Lean Startup Method To Quickly Test Ideas And Business Models.” Eric Rice

This visual guide to create your own business. Here describes in detail the dangers faced by a budding entrepreneur. The author tells how startups are changing the world and how exciting to follow their development. Great attention is paid to run and test products. In 2011, the “Lean Startup” has become a book of the year in the category of business literature. Experts call it a classic management and is strongly recommended reading.

“Force Of Habit. Why We Live And Work This Way And Not Otherwise.” Charles Duhigg

In this book Charles Duhigg, journalist for the New York Times talks about the science of habits and that we have the power to change them. He cites the results of research and experience of big companies: Starbucks, Alcoa, Target. After reading this book, you will learn about the types of habits and how to use them in business. We will focus on the social preferences of the users and on the organizational habits of managers and employees that affect the success of the company.

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